Frequent Flyers feature for Hopper

timeframe January 2022 - March 2022
  • Software
  • Android
  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • Professional

Developed in Kotlin, I introduced a feature to the Hopper app that allows users to attach frequent flyer details to each passenger on an itinerary and automatically pass this information along when booking flights.

During the development process, I updated the underlying profile models used across various verticals within the Hopper app (Air, Car, and Hotel), transitioning them from Java to Kotlin. This effort was closely coordinated with other teams to ensure minimal impact on the app’s functionality and to mitigate the risk of regression.

The feature was successfully rolled out with a smooth transition, enabling customers to seamlessly complete the checkout process. Now, users no longer need to re-enter frequent flyer details directly with airlines, enhancing the overall user experience.

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