Zebra Scanner Demo for Z100 - Vuzix Smart Glasses

timeframe September 2023 - November 2023
  • Software
  • Android
  • AOSP
  • Kotlin
  • Zebra
  • BLE
  • Professional

Over the course of a couple months, I developed an application to demonstrate what warehouse operations would look like when using a Zebra handheld barcode scanner (TC52 and WS50) with the new Vuzix Z100 Smart Glasses.

Initially conceived as a tech demo to validate the concept, the project quickly expanded into a fully-featured warehouse picking application to highlight how the Z100 Smart Glasses could be used to improve safety and speed in the warehouse.

Implemented in Kotlin using the latest best practices, Zebra’s DataWedge API, the Vuzix Ultralite SDK and backed by a state machine to model the picking flow, this app rapidly went through several rounds of iterations between myself, Vuzix’s Software Director, the CEO, and industry experts. The outcome of this collaboration and fast prototyping resulted in a polished demonstration of the Z100 Smart Glasses and was demoed at CES 2024.

Zebra TC52